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美国马里兰大学Thomas Kunkel教授讲座预告

文字:国际交流处 图片: 编辑: 发布时间:2006-12-12 点击数: 分享至:

Advanced Education for Journalists in the United States


演讲人:美国马里兰大学新闻学院院长Thomas Kunkel教授

时间: 20061213日(星期三)下午330--500



主办国际交流处 新闻与传播学院


Thomas Kunkel教授简介

Thomas Kunkel is dean of the Philip Merrill College of Journalism and president of American Journalism Review, a national magazine published by the College. At the University of Maryland he has served as director of the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, and as editor and director of the Project on the State of the American Newspaper.

A writer and editor, Kunkel has spent most of his career in newspaper management. Most recently he was deputy managing editor of the San Jose Mercury News. Prior to that he worked for the Miami Herald, The New York Times and the Cincinnati Post, and he was editor and publisher of Arizona Trend magazine. When he was named executive editor of Knight-Ridders Columbus (Ga.) Ledger-Enquirer, he was, at age 29, the youngest top editor in company history. He has written or edited five books, including "Genius in Disguise: Harold Ross of The New Yorker."