题 目:现代促销理论与实践
时 间:2008年7月3日(周四)14:30时
地 点:南校区八角楼
赵广志教授研究方向为:Consumer Behavior, Marketing Communication, Advertising.;重点研究领域为:Advertising message framing, Regulatory focus and persuasion, Feature positive effect and persuasion, Social marketing.
赵广志教授科研成果丰硕,部分代表作有:1.Pechmann, C, Guangzhi. Zhao, Marvin. E. Goldberg, and E. T. Reibling (2003), what to Convey in Antismoking Ads for Adolescents The Use of Protection Motivation Theory to Identify Effective Message Themes, Journal of Marketing, 67 (April), 1-18.
2.Zhao, Guangzhi (2005), self Regulatory Focus, Message Framing, and the Persuasiveness of Antismoking Ads? Proceedings of Society for Consumer Psychology 2005 Winter Conference, A. M Brumbaugh, G. R. Henderson, ed.
3. Pechmann, C., Marvin. E. Goldberg, E. T. Reibling, and Guangzhi. Zhao (2001), antismoking Advertising Campaigns Targeting Youth in the U.S. and Canada? Proceedings of the 2001 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, C.R. Taylor, ed., Villanova, PA: Villanova University.