题 目: Internationalization of Chinese Firms: Research Propositions and Directions(中国企业国际化:研究课题与方向)
时 间:2009年12月8日14:30
地 点:南校区图书馆二楼报告厅
Geng Cui, Ph.D., is Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Business, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. Professor Cui received his education from Peking University (BA), Cornell University (MPS) and the University of Connecticut (Ph.D), and taught at two American universities before joining Lingnan University in 2000. His research interests include consumer behaviour and marketing in China, foreign direct investment strategies and performance, and quantitative models in marketing. His works have appeared in leading academic journals like Management Science, Journal of International Business Studies, and Journal of International Marketing, and Journal of World Business and won several research awards. He is a leading scholar on Chinese consumer behaviours and his research on Chinese consumer market segmentation has been widely cited and adopted for classroom teaching. He has been a consultant to a number of local and overseas organizations on China business and marketing strategies.
崔耕博士, 现任香港岭南大学市场与国际企业学系教授,在2000年加盟香港岭南大学前, 他任教于美国两所大学。崔耕曾求学于康乃狄克州立大学(博士),康奈尔大学(硕士),北京大学(学士)。 他的研究课题包括中国消费市场,直接投资的策略与业绩,及数据采据与优化方法在市场学的应用。 他的研究成果曾发表在许多同行审评的一流国际学术刊物,其中包括管理科学,国际商务学报,国际营销学报,与世界商务学报, 并多次获奖。崔耕教授是在中国消费者研究的领先学者,他对中国消费市场分隔被广泛征引并用于教学。 他为多家私人及公共机构提供有关中国商业及市场策略的顾问服务。