那晚, 雨夜。音乐厅柔和暗淡的灯光下,一位微微驼背的老人镇定地坐在钢琴前,动人心弦的旋律从他的指尖下流转而出,如一泓清泉滋润着所有人心灵。中国有句老话:台上一分钟,台下十年功。英语中也有句谚语:Behind every successful man, there is a woman.美国著名钢琴家西莫尔·李普金教授(Professor Lipkin)的精湛演奏技艺从何而来?4月6日晚在音乐会现场,记者有幸采访了Lipkin夫人,让我们且听她娓娓道来。
记者: Professor Lipkin is very successful and has won golden opinion for his piano playing .With such an excellent pianist as your husband , what do you think of the piano-playing art?Anything special?
Mrs Lipkin: (smile) I love it.And that's enough.
记者: So,do you play the piano ?
Mrs Lipkin: No, I’m an audience, just like you.(laugh)
记者: Mr. Lipkin is said to be sometimes very quiet, but sometimes very emotional on the stage.Would you like to tell us what kind of person he is in daily life, actually?
Mrs Lipkin: He is a person with enriched inner emotions. Music is deeply hidden in his heart. When he is with his music, his potential passions come out naturally. Hence he is very emotional when on the stage.
记者:It may be why we call him a “music genius”. And as far as I’m concerned, Mr. Lipkin began to play the piano in his early years. Has he thought that being a piano-player was boring ?
Mrs Lipkin: No, never.Absolutely not. Piano-playing is a part of his life, and, a part of himself,I say.
记者: As his wife, how do you support his piano career?
Mrs Lipkin: Oh, in fact,the word is not "support". You know, he is a very hard-working man. Everyday he keeps practicing for around five hours. What I can do is just to be with him,to care for him and to make him easy.
记者: So you have to be more tolerant?
Mrs Lipkin: Yeah.(laugh)
记者: Have you been to other cities of China before you came to Guangzhou?
Mrs Lipkin: Yes, we’ve been to Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan.
记者: So how do you like the city of Guangzhou, especially our university?
Mrs Lipkin: Each city is special and different, especially in terms of food, and so is the climate. Chinese people are all good. As for this performance, the audiences in this
university are very enthusiastic. And you know, the audiences always interact with the player, giving the latter motive powers. So I feel that tonight’s performance is ,perhaps ,the most successful one he has put on in Guangzhou ,or even in China.
记者: We all enjoy tonight’s performance very much. Thank you for bringing us such a marvelous perfomance.