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基英学院外籍教师荣获 “南粤友谊奖”

文字:柯晓玲 图片: 编辑: 发布时间:2003-11-06 点击数: 分享至:

    本网讯 近日,基础英语学院又传喜讯。该学院聘请的加拿大籍专家Dr Ed Nicholson荣获广东省外国专家局授予的“南粤友谊奖”。“南粤友谊奖”是为感谢和表彰在粤工作期间对广东省建设与发展作出努力和贡献的外国专家而设的。

    Dr Ed Nicholson自2002年9月在基础英语学院工作以来,积极参与该学院的英语教学工作以及师资培训工作,作出了很大的贡献。特别感人的是今年春节之后,当他从加拿大再次来到中国,再次见到一起共事的老师们,动情地说:“我离开加拿大一点也不伤感,我觉得我是在回家。我的家就在这里。”的确,Dr Nicholson为了这个大家庭的发展和强大,出谋献策,毫不计较个人得失。为了辅导我校学生参加CCTV杯演讲比赛层层选拔赛,Dr Nicholson对每一个参赛选手进行耐心细致的辅导,甚至国庆节期间他都抽出时间对参赛选手的仪表姿势等方面做耐心的指导。当学院发给他500元英语演讲比赛辅导费时,他更是毫不犹豫地将这笔钱捐给学院。Dr Nicholson一直十分关注广外学生的英语学习方法。今年9月,他为一年级新生作了题为“命运就在你手中”的讲座,向学生介绍如何度过大学生活,如何学习英语,为新生开始新的生活点亮了一盏明灯。他鼓励中国学生学会合作学习,一起练习英语,共同进步提高。每当他在校园里碰到讲英语的学生,他都会热情地给以指点,甚至很爽快地邀请他们去咖啡厅交谈。

    Dr Nicholson的榜样行为在潜移默化地感染、影响着基英学院其他外籍教师和中国教师。基英学院为拥有这么好的一位外教感到由衷的高兴和自豪。

 A Foreign Teacher of IELE Granted  “Guangdong Friendship Award”

     Dr Ed Nicholson, who works at the Institute of English Language Education, was granted this year's “Guangdong Friendship Award” at a ceremony in Guangzhou on Sep.26. The "Friendship Award" is the supreme award the Guangdong Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs confers annually to foreign experts for their outstanding contributions to China's economic and social progress.
     Ever since Dr Nicholson came to work in IELE in September 2002, he has contributed a lot to teaching English to non-English majors of this university and training teachers in IELE. After he returned from Canada in February this year, on seeing his Chinese colleagues again, he was excited and said, “I didn’t feel sad at all when I left Canada because I am coming home. My home is here.” He never cares about his personal gain. He gave detailed and insightful guidance for the students who will attend the CCTV speech contest at different levels. Even during the National Day holiday, he called the competitors together and gave them valuable advice on their appearance and posture at the speech contest. When IELE gave him 500 Yuan as a reward for his extra work for the speech contest, he denoted the money to the Institute without any hesitation.

    Dr Nicholson has always been concerned about how GDUFS students learn English. In September this year, he held a lecture “Taking Charge of Your Life”, giving the freshmen advice on how to spend their college life and how to learn English. He encourages Chinese students to have cooperative studies.. Whenever possible, he would urge GDUFS students to find a study buddy to study English together and make progress together. Every time he meets students who are speaking English on the campus, he would give them advice ardently. Sometimes he even readily invited the students to the coffee house so that they can talk over coffee.

    Dr Nicholson has become a role model for both the foreign and Chinese colleague at IELT. The teachers in IELE really feel proud and lucky to have such a nice old chap to work with.